Forests of the mind: spectres of deforestation in contemporary English aesthetics
Forests of the mind: spectres of deforestation in contemporary English aesthetics
Proposals of critique: Maria Eichhorn’s ‘Building as Unowned Property’ (2017–)
Proposals of critique: Maria Eichhorn’s ‘Building as Unowned Property’ (2017–)
Strained listening: sensing underwater noise pollution in Calder Harben’s ‘Bodies of Water’
Strained listening: sensing underwater noise pollution in Calder Harben’s ‘Bodies of Water’
Rules that break other rules: Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s ‘candy works’ and the logic of neoliberalism
Rules that break other rules: Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s ‘candy works’ and the logic of neoliberalism
‘I believed in the image’: Pope.L, photography and the spectacle of racial oppression
‘I believed in the image’: Pope.L, photography and the spectacle of racial oppression
Communist witches and cyborg magic: the emergence of queer, feminist, esoteric futurism